I'm a meditation teacher. More importantly, I live what I teach. Everything I teach has been tried and tested in my own home laboratory and in my own life, which is why I have great success with people who have otherwise sworn that they "can't meditate". EVERYONE can meditate. Everyone. It's just a matter of getting out of your own way--learning to understand the surface noise of your thoughts and feelings so you can reach the greater stillness waiting to be discovered deep within. There is no magic fairy wand to instantly get to Inner Peace. But there are some quick access points. You just have to know how to get there...and be willing to have some fun along the way.  

My Story

I started meditating as a teenager, first taught by my mother who was a certified teacher of Transcendental Meditation under Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Over the years, I delved into many different techniques including Paramahansa Yogananda's Kriya Yoga, several forms of mindfulness, yoga nidra, shamanic breath work, reiki energy healing, and anxiety & stress management. Through private teaching and discovering what worked in my own life and practice, I developed a meditation program that is grounded and accessible, allowing clients to tune into their own inner voice and guidance while gaining the tools to make empowered choices--emphasizing a spirit of self-acceptance, compassion, and good humor for the journey.

I am currently a meditation teacher at Unplug Meditation and Wildwood Recovery Center. I have led group meditations at Coachella Valley Music & Arts Festival and Oprah Winfrey’s O Magazine Adventure of Your Life Cruise. My audio and video meditations are featured on the Simple Habit and Unplug Meditation apps. I teach private clients, group sessions, meditation for business, workshops & retreats throughout Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. 

Come dive inside yourself! I promise you the water is warmer and lovelier than you know!